Firefighting in Japan

Firefighting in Japan

Japanese Architecture! Why is a skyscraper 31 meters high?

Hello! My name is KIYOYU, a former firefighter YouTuber in Japan.In this article, I will explain the definition of a high-rise building by reviewing the Japanese Fire Defense Law and Building Standard Law.
Firefighting in Japan

Always remember! 18 types of rope work for Japanese firefighters

Hello, my name is KIYOYU, a former firefighter YouTuber from Japan! I am now a retired firefighter, but I have been working for 8 years.In this article, I will introduce 18 types of rope work that every firefighter in Japan must learn.Rope work is called "kihon kessaku" (基本結索)in Japan.
Firefighting in Japan

Japanese ex-firefighter starts blog

Blog of a former firefighter Hello, I am KIYOYU, a former firefighter YouTuber. I worked as a firefighter in Japan for 8 years. In this blog, I would like to talk more about the characteristics of firefighting in Japan.